Product & Pack shots photography

I am really hoping things get better this year!
We are striving to keep out packshot photography cheap and deliver the best possible images to our clients
There is so much pressure on everyone at the moment to have their products displayed on their websites in the best possible way, the high street is really struggling but we will all survive! E commerce right now is thriving its a matter of keeping your beliefs and just fighting through
Wishing all of our clients and friends the very best for 2021

Happy New Year everybody
What a busy time January 2021 is going to be for product photography.
It seems many business are going online, its such a great way of small shops getting noticed.
Cheap packshot photography does not mean the quality of our photography is compromised, we keep our prices low and our standard of photography high end. Its very tough for everyone at the moment and we do our best with fast turnaround and high quality photography to ensure that our clients get exactly what they need.
We specialise in all sorts of product photography, whether it be flay lay for fashion photography or invisible mannequin or ghost mannequin photography, we also photography products for various sites for example notonthehightstreet, amazon and etsy.
Feel free to contact us for a quote or check out our prices page for further details.
As a product and pack shot photographer I have noticed recently I have been receiving many requests for social media photography especially as more companies are going online and all competing for to appear on the first page of a google search or to gain large followings on social media platforms such as instagram. It is a fact that google favor websites with great professional images as do many of the social media sites
For the past few months I have been out there collecting all manner of props to add content to my product photographs, I have quite a collection of colored cards, beautiful fabrics, china, glass, wood and stone along with various vintage items such as old cameras and opera glasses.
I work mainly with small business and am always keeping budget in mind, £50 will give you 5 images of carefully styled photographs for your social media accounts such as instagram and facebook I work closely with my clients creating mood boards and bouncing ideas to create beautiful and engaging images. I offer monthly packages of varying amounts to provide high quality images for your social content, If this is something you are interested in either give me a call or send an email so we can discuss further,

As a product photography Im often asked to photograph clothing for pack shots on a clean white background, it can be slightly tricky but as long as you place your lights in the correct places it is pretty straight forward.
The first thing I do is to place two lights on the background which I flag with black paper or poly boards as black absorbs the light and I wont get any spill from the background onto my clothing, if this does happen it can cause an unattractive halo effect around the clothes, using a light meter I light the background so it is two stops brighter than the lights I use on the product. Be careful not to over expose the background or you will make it look like it is glowing and this will over power your subject
I also ensure that there is separation between the subject and the back ground and I light the subject independently to the back ground. I actually use 4 Bowen 500 flashlights, two on the background and on my subject a key light slightly to the side and a fill light placed on the opposite side, although you could get away with 3 lights, 2 on the back to make sure you get a clean even background and one key light at the front.
I always use my Canon camera 5d mark 3 on manual mode and generally have my settings on f/14, ISO 250 and 1/125 of a second, just to add another small tip if you have your shutter speed on 1/200 of a second or faster then you will have a problem with your shutter not syncing with the lights and you will see an ugly black shadow to one side of your image, this is quite a common mistake, in the past I used to hire out my photography studio in London and I often had photographers asking me why was this happening and blaming my poor bowen lights!
My best advice though is if you would like to become a product photographer then once you have your basic kit, flash lights, background paper, tripod and light modifiers which I will talk about in another post, they have a play around and have fun, as long as you follow the basic principals of separation, distance and keeping the background 2 stops lighter.
I use this set up pretty much for all of my packshot photography when photographing clothing on an invisible or some people call it ghost mannequin as well as photographing a model on a white background.
Im happy to give advice if you would like to email me at