Product & Pack shots photography 

Light Studio Photography

I am really hoping things get better this year!

We are striving to keep out packshot photography cheap and deliver the best possible images to our clients

There is so much pressure on everyone at the moment to have their products displayed on their websites in the best possible way, the high street is really struggling but we will all survive! E commerce right now is thriving its a matter of keeping your beliefs and just fighting through

Wishing all of our clients and friends the very best for 2021 


 Happy New Year everybody

What a busy time January 2021 is going to be for product photography.

It seems many business are going online, its such a great way of small shops getting noticed.

Cheap packshot photography does not mean the quality of our photography is compromised, we keep our prices low and our standard of photography high end. Its very tough for everyone at the moment and we do our best with fast turnaround and high quality photography to ensure that our clients get exactly what they need.

We specialise in all sorts of product photography, whether it be flay lay for fashion photography or invisible mannequin or ghost mannequin photography, we also photography products for various sites for example notonthehightstreet, amazon and etsy.

Feel free to contact us for a quote or check out our prices page for further details.

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As a product and pack shot photographer I have noticed recently I have been receiving many requests for social media photography especially as more companies are going online and all competing for to appear on the first page of a google search or to gain large followings on social media platforms such as instagram. It is a fact that google favor websites with great professional images as do many of the social media sites

For the past few months I have been out there collecting all manner of props to add content to my product photographs, I have quite a collection of colored cards, beautiful fabrics, china, glass, wood and stone along with various vintage items such as old cameras and opera glasses.

I work mainly with small business and am always keeping budget in mind, £50 will give you 5 images of carefully styled photographs for your social media accounts such as instagram and facebook I work closely with my clients creating mood boards and bouncing ideas to create beautiful and engaging images. I offer monthly packages of varying amounts to provide high quality images for your social content, If this is something you are interested in either give me a call or send an email so we can discuss further,

Light Studio Photography

 As a product photography Im often asked to photograph clothing for pack shots on a clean white background, it can be slightly tricky but as long as you place your lights in the correct places it is pretty straight forward.

The first thing I do is to place two lights on the background which I flag with black paper  or poly boards as black absorbs the light and I wont get any spill from the background onto my clothing, if this does happen it can cause an unattractive halo effect around the clothes,  using a light meter I light the background so it is two stops  brighter than the lights I use on the product. Be careful not to over expose the background or you will make it look like it is glowing and this will over power your subject 

I also ensure that there is separation between the subject and the back ground and I light the subject independently to the back ground. I actually use 4 Bowen 500 flashlights, two on the background and on my subject a key light slightly to the side and a fill light placed on the opposite side, although you could get away with 3 lights, 2 on the back to make sure you get a clean even background and one key light at the front.

I always use my Canon camera 5d mark 3 on manual mode and generally have my settings on f/14, ISO 250 and 1/125 of a second, just to add another small tip if you have your shutter speed on 1/200 of a second or faster then you will have a problem with your shutter not syncing with the lights and you will see an ugly black shadow to one side of your image, this is quite a common mistake, in the past I used to hire out my photography studio in London and I often had photographers asking me why was this happening and blaming my poor bowen lights!

My best advice though is if you would like to become a product photographer then once you have your basic kit, flash lights, background paper, tripod and light modifiers which I will talk about in another post, they have a play around and have fun, as long as you follow the basic principals of separation, distance and keeping the background 2 stops lighter.

I use this set up pretty much for all of my packshot photography when photographing clothing on an invisible or some people call it ghost mannequin as well as photographing a model on a white background.

Im happy to give advice if you would like to email me at

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We are now mid July, I can hardly believe it!I am really heartened to see what appears to be an increase in small business's as Im finding myself having the privilege of photographing for more and more of them.As people are spending less time in the high street it seems and more time online.Specialising in product photographs and packshot photography seems to have been the right path for me to take, ever mindful of the huge over heads business's have I really do my best to keep my prices as low and as competitive as possible as well as keeping the final images punchy and high end to ensure the final image looks as good as and if not better than the actual product.I love photographing products, its always great to see new fashions and the latest gadgets and beautiful items being delivered by couriers and landing on my door step to be photographed for someones e-commerce website.My photography studio is set up purely for packshots photography and also creative product photography, it makes my life a lot easier, I have various invisible mannequins, product tables and a whole collection of canon lenses to use when working, I will talk about my favorite lens on my next blog.Meanwhile I hope everyone has had a productive week and a great weekend.
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I have noticed a real increase in the amount of subscription boxes Ive been asked to photograph. Maybe its because of lockdown, online sales have been going up and so have the demand for subscription boxes which is good news for me as they are keeping me really busy photographing subscription boxes in the studio.I am now offering various packages for subscription box photography starting at just £40 for your subscription box which includes styling, photography and a high res and low res image of your box and all of its contents. Amongst some of the orders we are receiving we are seeing lots of fresh food boxes, beauty boxes and adult craft boxes and children's craft subscription boxes. We offer a monthly price of £40 a month to be paid 6 months in advance, or if you would like to do just a one off then we charge, £50 for photographing the subscription box, just send it over to us included any ideas you may have, we are happy to work something out on pinterest if that works for you and we will do the rest, professional lighting and photography really gives that polished finish to the final image.The other package we offer is to have your subscription box photographed in our Light Studios studio and then we can take up to 20 images of  a mixture of individual photos, small groups and various angles all for £150.00Your just send your box to us and we will do the rest, we can introduce different colors as backgrounds, various textures and a variety of props, of if you have props you would like us to use then package it up along with your box and when we are finished with it we will send it back.Please contact us should you have any questions.Looking forward to hearing from you, have a brilliant weekend:)Subscription Box photography 
Many of my clients use Shopify as a platform to host their ecommerce site from.I totally understand why, Shopify is very easy to work with making it accessible for anyone want to sell their products on and have many beautiful templates available for you to build your sites on.The stumbling block that many of my clients have is the photography, you can of course take the product photographs with your smart phone but because of the sensor your packshot photos are not going to be sharp enough. As a product photographer I would always recommend a DSLR and second to that a Mirrorless camera, what ever you use as long as you have a good lens you can be sure to have a good sharp image of your item. My preference in cameras in Canon 5D, I use a mark 111 with an array of lens's, for detail close up shots, such as jewelry, print, stitching, labels and logos  I use a Canon 100mm f/2.8, I also use a Canon EF 50mm f/1.8 lens which gives great image quality, sometimes I get out my favorite 24-70mm Canon lens, its so versatile and lastly if we are out on location another beautiful lens to use is my Canon 70-200mm f/4L USMLighting is also very important too, in my product photography studio I use Bowens 500w lights, I have several of them and a whole array of modifiers including, umbrellas, soft boxes and reflectors, they all have different uses, and depending on what sort of effect I want to create on my product I may will flit between different ones.Sorry Im going a bit off topic, back to photography for Shopify, depending on your budget it is a very good idea to take several different images of each product, this way you you can show different angles and also detail shots so your shoppers are fully aware of what they are buying, with clothing I generally do a front image, back image and sometimes a couple of closeups of labels, button holes and interesting stitching. Shopify also recommend that you upload your images as squares 2048 x 2048  pixel size product photographs.Another important tip to remember when thinking about your product photography is to remember continuity is key, it is very confusing for your shoppers to have lots of different style photography, it is also bad if you are trying to build a brand, the best solution to this is to have all of your packshots photographs on either a clean white back ground or a soft grey I think looks very elegant, do not have your photographs over fussy as too many distractions takes away the impact on the actual product you are showing in your packshots.
Ive got a great week ahead photographing lots of fabulous packshots Lots of new products to be sent to meMainly fashion but Im not complaining, I love fashion.Im also waiting for some very interesting wine maps to be sent, they sound intriguing, when Ive photographed them I will share my final images which I will be taking in my product photography studio.The beauty about being a product photographer is that I am not tied to one place as most of my clients send their products to be photographed to me.I actually work from two photo studios, my main pack shot studio is in London on a little Island near Kew gardens,  I also have a pretty little product photography studio right by the sea on The magical Isle of Wight, I love it here. Its worked brilliantly in lockdown, the couriers here have been so good, all the products have been arriving on time and nothing lost in the post. On well looking forward to another great week, I may even have time to pop to the beach to collect sea glass!
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More hours today to play outside in your summer dress! Ive been doing lots of packshots photography for summer fashion, so many beautiful prints and lovely designs, silks and cotton from all over the world. I just feel a little sad that most of them wont fit me as they are all sample sizes and a perfect fit for my invisible mannequin, I always feel privileged as I get to see whats going to be on trend right at the beginning of the season and this year really has not let me down.All those hours doing product photography in my e-commerce studio and now Im getting to see all that hard work appearing on instagram, etsy, facebook and all of my clients websites. Im often asked if I get bored just having a ghost mannequin as company all day, but to be honest I quite like it, I pop the radio on and either listen to a pod cast or put a story or music on and get into my zone, time passes so quickly. I some times photography clothing flat or hang from a mannequin, we also have days where a I have a team coming into the studio, so a model, stylist, makeup and hair and ofter pr, those days are super busy but because of lock down they seem to be some distant memory, I wonder what the next year brings for us.One thing for sure though later today Im going to pick up my camera, go to Gurnard Beach and take some sunset photographs, they wont be pack shots and they wont be product shots, just our beautiful nature. Im so lucky to be living on the magical Isle of Wight right now!Product photographer - Invisible mannequin photo
It seems to have become more important now than ever before to have a strong and positive online presence with many consumers now moving onto on line buying. At this point no of us know if this is our future or will shoppers go back to physical shopping in store shopping, the thinking in the e commerce industries is that we are going to be seeing a shift in peoples spending habits and that they are going to be opting for online buying why after the crisis has gone, web site owners are demanding great imagery it is vital, shoppers like to see what they are buying which is why there will always be a place for a strong product photograph with a pure white back ground without any distractions allowing shoppers to see exactly what they are buying.  In 15 years experience of working as a product and packshot photographer I have never been so busy, there seems to be a huge boom in e commerce, report that in March 2020 there was a 74% increase in growth compared to the same time in the previous year. This is great news for all product photographers, it is also good news for anyone commissioning a packshots photography company for their photography as the high prices some of the product photography companies are charging there clients will have to level out, whilst keeping their standard of producing beautiful product photography  high, fortunately companies like mine understand this and we find a balance, and make it of paramount importance to keep our high standards but keeping our pricing as cost effective as possible for our clients.One thing is for sure the brands that provide the ultimate experience for their customers by giving them a pure and straightforward online experience are the ones that are going to win during challenging times.

